Friday, April 16, 2010

Road trip continued

My knee was still bothering me, but enough snow and sunshine worked as a beautiful distracter. So against the doctors orders, I purchased a lift ticket and went out skiing with Jett.

It had been two years since Jett had gone the last time so she was a bit rusty. We manage to make it down from the house to the Funitel. It was a gorgeous day and we couldn’t wait to get going.

A great morning of skiing, followed by lunch and Coors light at the lodge, then additional skiing in the afternoon followed by Bud Lights in the ski room. The kids spent the last part of the afternoon in the hot tub while the adults were chilling around the house.

The Bryans had tickets for some shows in Vegas and a reservation at the hard Rock Hotel. Jett and i decided to tag along for two nights at the Hard Rock and for the Blue Man Group show. Vegas was very nice and we had a great time. Pool, rock’n roll and an amazing show by the blue man group.

Jett and I drove back to San Diego, tired, spent and very happy.

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