Friday, April 23, 2010

Back at the Hilton

Stepping of the shuttle and walking into the Hilton, i was greeted several times by staff that recognized me. “Good evening, captain Mathias.”

I checked in, got a room on the fifth floor facing the pool. I had a note from the General manager of the Hilton and a plate of strawberries waiting in my room. It’s good to be treated like this.

I called Jonathan and we decided to meet downstairs in 20 minutes.

A couple of beers, some good conversation and all of a sudden it was midnight.  I had now been awake more or less for the last 36 hours. I had to be at work, teaching, the next morning. Time to sleep.

I woke up at 2AM, jet lag sucks. Slept from 4 to 6 and then it was time to get up.

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