Friday, April 23, 2010

Life in Addis version 2.0

I wake up at 6AM every morning. Listening to the city of Addis Ababa waking up with a cup of coffee in my hand is a treat. There are lots of birds chirping and singing as the sun rises, a group of people is using the swimming pool and I am taking it all on from the balcony on the fifth floor.

Breakfast is delivered to my room around 6:15 every morning and the strong, aromatic coffee is absolutely fantastic.

I leave for work at 7:30 and I get back at around 17:30.

I try to workout almost every evening, but one out of three is probably all I do in reality. Jonathan makes sure that we spend adequate time at the bar, and Yohannes is still here to hang out with.

Last night we went to the Sheraton for the music show, the band from Atlanta is still there. One of the German Embassy guys had a farewell party and the Red label was flowing freely. The show was great as usual and Jonathan and CD had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Ser fram emot att spana in ett sömnigt Addis från balkongen på femte våningen bredvid dig.


do it