Saturday, April 17, 2010

Return to Africa

Once again I am headed East for the horn of Africa. This time I will travel nonstop for over 10 000 miles.

San Diego – Washington DC – Rome – Addis.

I woke Cody up just before 6AM, he was to give me a ride to the airport. His NOx equipped Pontiac Sunfire rolled up in the alley and I loaded up my bags. Some coffee from Cafe’ Bella and we were on our way.

I still hate airports, TSA, check-in procedures and all that comes with it.

UA 970 pushed back from gate 14 at Lindbergh airport right on time. A westerly departure over my house followed by a sweeping left turn over PGY VOR, and then the 757 set its course eastbound for IAD.

The Captain kept talking on the PA about wind-changes and turbulence, which materialized about 30 minutes into the flight. The estimated flying time is four and a half hours 30 minutes less than scheduled.

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